OLD LYNCH SCHOOL AT ALTIZER - Whytsell's And Morgan's


"I recently discovered your website and read the story about the fire at the old Altizer post office and store. I am one of the daughters of Roy and Nora Morgan. You mentioned in the story that the building was originally the Lynch school. I thought you might be interested in this photo of the students at the Lynch school (at its original site) which I believe dates to about 1900 (my parents were born in 1888).

The only students I am able to identify in this photo are: Back row, 5th from the left is my aunt Grace Morgan; Back row, 6th from the left is my mother Nora Whytsell; Back row, 10th from the left is my uncle Charlie Whytsell; Back row, far right is my father Roy Morgan.

I reside in Texas and enjoy seeing news from my childhood home. - Velma Morgan Wiggins v.wiggins@ix.netcom.com