By Alvin Engelke

There will be a benefit auction Saturday, March 6 starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. Weather permitting there should be all sorts of good things. Proceeds go to maintain the community building.

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular fifth Sunday appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. There were 17 on hand for Holy Communion.

Nancy Hall is scheduled for another batch of treatments, Anna Reno is now on the mend and Nancy Engelke has been experiencing difficulties.

Mike, Steve and Paul Edward Graham, The Old Lizard and John Bingman were among those helping build a new house, above flood level, for Dorothy Graham. Those calling on Dorothy included Amy Grimmett and children. Amy's husband Reggie recently made a new tape with the Payne family from Cincinnati, Ohio.

P. E. Graham had a professional consultation with Dr. Fred Gillespie. They had met earlier when Dr. Gillespie was taking gubernatorial candidate Dr. Doug McKinney around the Creston area.

Wayne Talbot was calling at the Jerry Campbell residence on Little Creek. He was also calling on Don Rhodes and looking for things to buy to resell.

Mr. Dexterity being always the gracious host and all around helpful and nice guy offered his shower to the Sassy Storekeeper when she didn't have water at her place. Seems her water service was restored so she didn't need to take him up on the offer. He commented, "Well, cleaned up the bathtub for nothing!" Mr. Dexterity accepted employment out in the cut stone building on the Mt. Zion ridge where he can match wits with Wee Willie, P. P., Cuddles and the gang.

Bill McFee, Gary Jones, Beef Queen Melissa Offutt, Alvin & Nancy Engelke represented Wirt County at the Farm Bureau day at the Legislature. As usual the food was fine and the milk punch, served by the Dairy Princess, was wonderful.

There was interaction with a number of the legislators although some of the latter kept their distance. Joe Messineo from Roane County noted that the avian flu that was reported in Texas likely came from game birds that were smuggled from Asia through Mexico to the United States. It seems that many in positions of federal authority have yet to grasp the serious nature of bioterror and even the natural spread of disease.

They are more concerned about being politically correct even if half the country dies as a result of their obstinate behaviour. Of course game chickens can infect other birds and, locally, there are several breeders of gamecocks.

It was noted people raise 'em cuz they are purty. It was also noted that for $50,000 Arabs could be smuggled in from Mexico with the other illegal aliens although some don't want those words even used.

The price of local Penn grade crude rose to $32.75 while local natural gas prices varied from around $6/MCF.

Jay Myers, a spokesperson for Steve Pauley, noted that they were planning to drill a Newburg well in Kanawha County. Martin Twist permitted some more Trenton/Black River wells in Roane County.

The status of the class action suit against Columbia Natural Resources was certified in Roane County Circuit Court. Columbia indicated that this was a major setback for them. This would mean that they would have to pay local royalty owners who had been shorted on their checks.

Nancy Engelke had to have her chariot towed when the water pump failed.

Auction Saturday, March 6 at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. Cheese, pepperoni, knick-knacks, all sorts of goodies. For details contact Donna Sue at 275-3202, Bobby Ray Starcher 890-04.

Hay for sale $15/bale. Contact Alvin Engelke at 275-3578.