21ST CENTURY GRANT BEING SOUGHT - Calhoun Schools Applying

The West Virginia Department of Education has announced the start of the application process for 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grants.

These are the same grants which have funded Calhoun's Lights On! program for the past two and a half years, except that now the grants are administered by the state rather than by the federal government.

These will also be three year grants, with the option of a fourth and a fifth year available, based on performance.

Applications for the competitive grants are due by March 29. Awards will be announced in May, and funding is expected to begin July 1.

The Calhoun school system will apply, in partnership with one or more community organizations. The FRN has already voted to partner with the system in an application.

A copy of the application package is available at the Calhoun County Public Library for inspection by anyone who is interested. Copies are also available at the FRN office and at the Lights On! office at the Middle-High School.

It may be seen and downloaded from the West Virginia Department of Education website, wvde.state.wv.us Just click on "21st Century Community Learning Center Grants Applications Available."

For more information, or to participate in developing the grant application, contact Greg Cartwright at the Board of Education, 354-7011, Ext. 12.