(Hur Herald Photo)
By Bob Weaver 2000
Calhoun County helped launch Joe Manchin's political career in 2004, now being the most powerful member of the US Senate, and could be a candidate for the presidency of the USA.
Manchin was being escorted around at a Calhoun football game, to be encountered by Perry Jenkins (left), who announced as a candidate for governor.
In short order, Jenkins challenged Manchin, a Democratic candidate for Governor (right), to a debate. Manchin wished Jenkins well with his political ambitions.
Jenkins stepped down from running for governor to running for Calhoun magistrate.
Jenkins had circulated his state platform around the
county on a hand-written flier.
He then said, if elected magistrate, his first order of business was to fire all the office help.
Jenkins had several fundraisers, including turkey dinners, in his run for the governorship.
He quit that effort, saying "This state doesn't need a governor. It needs a miracle."
Meanwhile, during the same political season, Philip "Icky" Frye,(pictured left) who catapulted into the public spotlight when he alleged Gov. Bob Wise had an affair with his wife, and filed to run for the Democratic nomination for governor.
Frye said "I had said originally, it was about 50 percent revenge," against Wise, but "Now (Wise quitting) that we've conquered (Wise), I'm not a quitter. I announced I'm going to run for governor, and I'm going to do it."