Calhoun residents interested in a buy-out of their property on the 100-year-flood plain should attend a public meeting Monday at 5 p.m. at the courthouse, following the regular commission meeting.

Flood plain property is eligible not only along the Little Kanawha River, but the West Fork of the Little Kanawha and other county streams located on the flood plain.

Tim Meeks of the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council will take names of individuals who are interested in a hazardous mitigation program.

Money for buy-out programs comes through FEMA, and focuses on property that is frequently flooded in times of declared disaster.

The Town of Reedy in Roane County is a familiar example of mitigation, where most of the buildings and houses were located on the flood plain and have been bought by the government. Most of Reedy's residents have participated in the program, and the tiny corporation is left with few buildings, replaced by grassy fields.

Once the buy-out occurs, the property belongs to the county and can no longer be used for construction.

The mitigation process is based upon available federal funds, and could take years before an entire area is mitigated.