Peggy Craddock sews while (from left) Anna Sampson, Elizabeth Duskey and Maria Kisner look
By Gaylen Duskey
Girl Scouts from Troop 4132 in Grantsville visited Sav-A-Tool Tuesday morning for a tour and as part of the work on
their sewing
The girls - Maria Kisner and Elizabeth Duskey along with guest Anna Sampson - were shown how fire suits were made
from the
beginning to the inspection. Sharon Yeager conducted the tour, which was set up by Girl Scout leader Delores Andrews,
who is
also an employee at Sav-A-Tool.
The tour was the second sewing program the girls have conducted. Earlier Linda Duskey taught them how to sew by
having them
make aprons.
Photo by Gaylen Duskey