
Citizens of Calhoun County:

I am very concerned about the current and future situation of our school system. Some of my concerns include:

The large deficit
The superintendent's raise
The new policy to limit or eliminate citizen input
Employee morale

The Calhoun County Board of Education has not made sound financial decisions for several years and this trend is continuing.

Their most recent decision is to give the superintendent a raise.

This after cutting the pay of every employee that works directly with our children, after cutting the days our custodians have to clean our buildings, the days mechanics have to keep the buses safe, and the days maintenance workers have to keep the buildings in good repair.

I plan to attend the April 11, 2016 (5:30 p.m.) meeting of the Calhoun County Board of Education to request that the Board rescind the Superintendent's raise. Will I be allowed to speak? Does the Board care what the citizens think?

If you are a citizen concerned about the present and future situation of our schools, please attend the April 11th meeting with me. The board members need to know that the community as a whole is upset with their decisions.

Thank you,
Richard Kirby